Saturday, September 11, 2010

Never Forgotten

As we go about our busy days today, please stop to remember 9*11*01. Not just because it happened, but because of all those who sacrificed their service and their lives here on our homeland but also those who have fought and are still fighting overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan. Remember the families of those who lost their loved ones. The ones who saw the tragic events happening in NYC, Washington, and PA. I remember being in court for my first speeding ticket. Jon was just twelve years old.

Nine years later we are still fighting for what happened here. Looking for Al-Qauda, Osama Bin Laden...those who were responsible for the tragedy that shook our nation. Looking back, I wonder where we would be if this did not happen? Instead I think about all the great things that have happened since. Our nation has been strong, united, and determined. May we continue to remember those who serve our country. "In our hearts we weep for you. In our minds we honor you."

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Christine. I can't wait until he is home with us.
