Thursday, August 26, 2010

New Record...

Today marks a new record in my book. Not such a great record if you ask me. Five entire full days since I have talked to Jon. I have been quite saddened the past few days. I keep thinking that we will talk soon, but in reality our schedules are so opposite these days who knows when the next time will be. This is the first time I have ever went this long without talking to him. I remember saying a few months back that two days was the most.... ugh. Therefore I am not adjusting very well to this whole new "routine." Life is keeping us both very busy. What I would do to hear his voice, to say he is okay. He called yesterday and of course I was at work and could not answer. A sweet, loving message saying that he was heading to go on missions. I just wanted to hear his voice and say good luck and to be safe before he left. As I write, I feel guilty about that missed call. Until I hear from him again I can only wait hours or even days until I know that he is safe. I miss Jon terribly and have not wanted nothing more lately then to have him home safe and able to be with family and friends.
I sit and watch the news lately knowing that our president recently exported combat troops for Iraq. The joy they must feel to be reunited with their families and loved ones after a long journey. Jon however has to stay in Afghanistan until July of 2011. Why can't this "war" just end entirely? The innocent lives lost, the challenges, the disabilities....etc. It's a constant battle I keep asking myself. I hate worrying on an hourly basis. Guessing the unknown.
I am quite sure Jon is okay. Only two months until he is home. :) The fun and excitement we will have. I know that he is going to want his mother's homemade cooking, his aunts cookies, his families love, and plenty of rest and sleep. All of which he deserves entirely! Beckers farms, skiing, NYC, and adventurous journey's are all to be had in less than three months! When I think of it in this context... I am overjoyed! I cannot wait. PLEASE keep Jon and his unit in your prayers as they begin more missions more often. I pray for his safety and that he continues to put God in the focus of all that he does.
Love and Prayers,

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