Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Rough Start...

Boy Oh Boy! What a day it has been. I woke up to messages that alarmed me and news that scared me entirely! I cannot begin to tell you how gut wrenching it is to hear that the love of your life is in danger. I got a message this morning saying that KAF was under attack from insurgents. My immediate response is "Why?" However, I'm recently learning that instead of blaming others...to go forth and seek and praise God. So as I went about my daily routine, I thanked God for his abundant blessings in my life.
I could not stop thinking about Jon's safety. To know that I cannot pick up the phone, drive, or see him immediately in such a time of diar need...left me with uncertainty for most the day. Apparently there was an attack on Jon's base early in the middle of the night. I kept asking who, what, when, why and where? Thankfully Jon called home to let us all know that he was safe! :) Apparently they were all awakened to missle attacks in the middle of the night. I'm sure they knew that they were coming soon since there hadn't been one in nearly a week. Sure enough they arrived full force with a tractor full of explosives that breached the perimeter wall of the base. According to news reports, Talibans have attacked from the North end in the past. However, they attacked from the South lastnight. This is a huge worry and is now leaving new development and new precautions to take into consideration. The fire lasted nearly an hour and everyone at KAF took the steps needed to safety. Thankfully there were no captures or killings. Everyone in the 20th batallion is accounted for! I can only imagine what they think before they put there head to their pillow after a hard day at work : What went wrong? How did we do? How can we do better? That sort of thing. I will continue to praise God for his blessing and protection on Jon and the rest of the soldiers. I know that it has been a pretty emotional day for me and an ever stressful journey for them. This signals a pretty clear intent to not go "quietly into the night."
Love and Prayers,

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