Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Winning or Politics?

Good evening! I hope your week is treating you well. The weather has been absolutely stunning here in Buffalo! It's been awesome to enjoy a great summer for once without rain! I wanted to share something I listened to tonight on 99.5 Christian Radio. There was a gentleman speaking about our current war in Afghanistan. How everyone is so quick to blame Bush for starting this whole thing and throwing soldiers into Iraq and then over to Afghanistan. However, has anyone sat back and thought about Obama? This post may get to some of you based on your beliefs....but it really got to me while sitting in the madness of traffic on the Grand Island bridge this evening. Bush had sent our troops overseas to win! However, it seems that Obama has troops over there for a political war...not to win. If this is the reason (or as I am recently seeing it), then I feel like this is turning into the Vietnam all over again with the casualities so easily being lost. The Vietnam lost 58, 159 U.S. soldiers. It's been nearly nine years since this war began. I pray that Washington and Administration can see the real light to this war and quickly bring our troops home. The stories I have been seeing, hearing, and living, are just not right. If we have a purpose to be needs to be to win. It seems like now if they shoot us, we shoot them back. If they bomb, we bomb them back. There seems to be no true fight other than politics...this may just be the "glamour" that I am only seeing from Media. Who knows?! Either way, I needed to vent.
Better news is that Jon is doing well and he will be home in three months! Ahhh...I cannot wait! I hope everyone enjoys their weekend. I hope to update as often as possible...however, teaching will be getting the best of me in the next coming months! Continue to keep Jon in your prayers as well as the rest of his batallion.
Love and Prayers,

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